Goodreads Challenge: September Update

I’m not going to turn this post into a “woe as me” thing, but hubs and I are going through a difficult time, and it’s showing in what I’m currently reading. I just finished Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Covenant series, and I started the Titan series. It’s a great escape from my crappy life.


I read the first Titan book when it came out, but I never read any of the Covenant books – which are the lead-ins to that book. I never felt lost, but I can see now why reading Alex & Aiden’s story gives more context to Seth’s book.

I’d recommend these books to anyone who likes Mythology-based sci-fi, but I guess I’d add the caveat that it’s got some romance and it’s quite light.

It’s classified as YA (young adult) – however, I have a hard time putting it in any age group. The characters are in “school,” but they’re learning how to kill daimons, so it’s all good.

Ms. Armentrout doesn’t pull any punches either. You can’t count on any character being safe. Not in either series. I haven’t gotten far into The Return, but I remember some details, and yeah, nobody’s in the clear there either.

30253700Before I started those, I read a few standalones. It’s been a while since I read one of Tijan’s books, so I picked up her newest, Anti-stepbrother. As usual, I highly enjoyed it. Angsty romantic goodness at it’s best.

It’s been quality over quantity late August / early September because the Covenant series is reeeeeeally long. That’s a good thing though. I’m really close to my goal, and it’s inevitable that I’ll be going WAY over 350 for the year. I’m not going to slow down – surpassing my goal won’t be the end of my reading streak. I don’t think it COULD be.

That’s it for me this month book-wise, unless I have something else to say later on. So I’ll talk to you next time!
