Goodreads Challenge ACCEPTED!

I got a few votes here, and had conversations various other places, and the consensus was to raise my goal to 350 books. So I did!

I may – at some point – revisit that 500 book mark, but for now, I’ll leave it at 350. I like that I’m less than 20 books ahead of schedule now. That’ll keep me spurred and motivated. With the total of 200 being crept up on so quickly, I was starting to get a little complacent – and that’s when I get dangerous. (not really, unless you’re my husband… then WATCH OUT!)

Right now I’m in the middle of the Game On series by Kristen Callihan, and I really like it. I’m very particular about my NA stuff, and these are very good. It’s a nice mix of lighthearted romance, fairly steamy sexitiemz, and some angstiness thrown in because… well, it’s NA. (New Adult for those wondering what it means).

My weekend is full – this is the 50th episode weekend for “The Fandom Zone”, my podcast that discusses comic book TV shows, so we’re recording two episodes. One special 50th episode, and then our 51st episode which will continue with our regular format.

I mixed up a special Theme-song medley just to play as our special episode intro, and it took me longer than I thought it would – mostly because I got caught up listening to a bunch of Blake Neely & Bear McCreary music.

On the off-chance you’d like to hear it, Here it is.

So that’s it for now. I’ll be getting back to my TV research, and then maybe reading. I might even get some sleep in. LATER!
